Musings and life of an ICU doc with many other interests and not enough time. Also the trials and tribulations of an MG B owner, doing all his own maintenance.
DaBossmon's Articles
April 30, 2007 by DaBossmon
Start back to 14 days in the ICU in the AM - 7 days of 13+ hours, then 7 nights of 13+ hours, all in the ICU at our hospital. We have a group of 4 docs that provide 24H/day. 7days/week in house ICU physician coverage. We see 95%+ of the patients admitted to our ICU. Specific patient info can't be posted, but other related stories can be interesting, frustrating, entertaining and educating. The group is 4 docs, all specializing in ICU medicine, all we do is ICU (Critical Care) Medicine...